Introduction to server-side and client-side scripting

  A web server is a computer program that deliver webpages when requested. The device of machine this program runs on is known as server. Examples of web servers are Apache web server (HTTP web server), Microsoft's Internet Information Service (IIS) Windows Server, Nginx web server, Jigsaw web server, Abbys web server, Oracle Web Tier, Zeus web server, etc.

Scripts are are programs that are interpreted by another program rather than being compiled. or a script is a sequence of commands or instructions that are carried out by other program with using the processor of the device.

Server side scripting refers to the web server that execute scripts before sending to the web browser to display to users. By this technology, users’ files can be customized to suit them, for example site like Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp and so on, users need to login before they can see their news feed, not everyone else. Web server scripting is used to make dynamic webpages, which can be change at any point in time.

       In the other hand, client side scripts are executed in browser. A web browser is an application used to access websites. Examples of browsers are Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and so on.

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