

Accessibility is a functionality in Web server scripting that website can be viewed, accessed and be navigated by so many people as possible. This can be achieved through the following ways:

  • Alternative Text – Web server scripting can be used to render alternative text to users who may not be able to access a webpage properly. For example, if a request sent by a user is taking too long to reach the web server could cut the  off user and send them to a basic version of the application. The text would change to a link for  them to click on.
  • Re-sizable Fonts – this accessibility feature is used to increased font-size if a user click on a button. Users may find it difficult to read smaller text on webpages. 
  • Support for Screen Readers – The content outputted from web server scripting is usually compatible with screen readers meaning that users who are or blind partially sighted can still get the webpages content read out to them, even if it was dynamically generated using server side scripting.
  • Adjustable Fonts – Linked to re-sizable fonts, the font type or font color can be adjusted for a user to read easily. For example, if the contrast is increased between the text and the background, the setting would be remembered by setting a cookie.

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