
Web Server Scripting Functionality
Web server scripting is widely  use for web applications. Some of the functionality of server side scripts include:
  • User Profile Management – this web server functionality enable user’s information to  be stored in a database on a web server.  MYSQL will then be used by web Server languages such as PHP to  access this information, display it to the client and update the client’s record if necessary.
  • Web Content Management – this functionality enable website content to be stored in a web server database. This content can be displayed dynamically to visitors  using web server scripting languages. A website owner  can login to an admin interface to enable them update their records in a database. Visitor will view this as posts.
  • File Upload – this functionality enable file upload to the web server using a multi-part encode HTML form that stores the file in the temporary folder of the servers . this file is then moved to the permanent location using web server scripting, where the file can be reuse when needed.
  • Website Analysis – This is a process of using a server side language such as PHP to access a database. Whenever a webpage is loaded, visit record will be added to this database table. All the visited page will be displayed to the owner of the site using web server scripting to access the database.and display the site contents.

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